Friday, November 27, 2009


Amen to Thanksgiving!  And especially Thanksgiving turkey.  After my long fast, I was so ready for the Southern feast of traditional treats that were on my menu yeasterday.  And, if I say so myself, they were really good.  No complaints from the inmates, anyway.  Thanksgiving dinner had been a motivator for me through my fast.  But, what I was thankful for this year was something very different than I thought it would be. 

My fast started out with a list to the Lord of what I now know are "gimme's".  Lord, gimme a buyer for my house.  Lord, heal my child.  Lord, help me with my problem with sugar.  Lord, help me get moved quicker to PA.  Lord, give my special friend the job she is praying for.  Lord, gimme, gimme, gimme!!!!

The first week, it was still about that.  But, fasting has a way of evening the playing field in time.  It strips you of any facades in place and exposes the real you.  To yourself, to God and to others, at times.  Like an onion being peeled off one layer at a time, self begins to shed it's winter coat and the trimmed down version of your soul is staring you in the face and obvious to others.

This morning. I read  a blog by Lysa Terkeurst (  that spoke of an experience in her walk with Christ that parallels mine with my fast.  She describes being on a road trip on the back roads of the Deep South with it's aging barns, remnants of harvested crops laying in the fields, gas stations with dust on the gum that was waiting for a buyer and old, stale coffee instead of Starbucks lattes 

And. then. there are those handpainted signs of evangelism that you can't miss.  She writes about seeing one in particular that said "Repent. The day of Jesus' coming is near. Repent of your sins today."  It made her uneasy and she thought it wouldn't be very effective in causing people to want to turn to Jesus because it seemed harsh.  She felt it should be about God's love.  Now, the love message gets to the heart of people, But, repentance?  That's too harsh.  But then, she realized that after two days, it was she who was still thinking about that sign.  She writes this, "I’ve been on this 37 days of kindness adventure for over a week now. And instead of feeling all puffed up by all my many acts of kindness, I am brought low by the realization of just how self focused I can be sometimes."

I believe she has found on her 37 Days of Kindness adventure, what I have found on my 40 Day Fast.

That, beyond our "good intentions" and "maturity in Christ", there's an awful lot of "Karen" where I thought there was more Jesus.  I wanted to see that Jesus was the dominant factor in my life.  Driving all my thoughts, feelings and actions.  But, I learned, I'm still piloting my own life in so many ways.  I let Him be my First Officer, but I have retained my Captain status with Him.  My fast showed me I had chosen the plane, the flight plan and the destination on many things.  My reasons for beging my fast in the first place was evidence of that.

Don't get me wrong.  He wants us to come to Him with our needs and the needs of others.  Seeing Him meet those needs builds our faith and the faith of others.  It may even bring someone to Christ watching you go through a trial and then seeing God move in an amazing way.  But, what about faith that doesn't produce "amzing" things?  At least not amazing things in the natural or that anyone else can perceive.  How do we feel about that?  Is His grace sufficient then? 

Someone said to me this week that she had lost trust in God because she felt she had been faithful to him over many years and yet He was not answering her basic needs.  He  did not make the changes in her spouse that would have saved their marriage.  God doesn't say that if we live by the our tithes, attend church, obey the 10 Commandments, help others and read out Bibles, that life is going to be great.  But, He does give us His Word that if we lose everything in His name, that He will keep us in perfect peace as we look to Him. He says in John 16:33 (Amplified Bible) "I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]". 

If we truly have given our life to Christ and are trusting Him with eveyrthing, following Him as He directs, and tough things still come, we must know that He has allowed them.  They are not to hurt us, but to make us stronger and to learn to be more like Him.  Our response to suffering is our choice, not His.

Jesus  obeyed His Father.  He had some precious times in His life here with his family and followers, but He also suffered with mistreatment, betrayal of the very ones He trusted, plots for His death and the ultimate disgrace of this world, by being crucified on a cross next to two common criminals.  Even in His death, He had a heart of mercy and forgiveness as shown to the thief he gave the promise of Paradise to that day.  How could He concern himself with someone else in His greatest hour of need?  I will tell you why........

Jesus KNEW what came after the cross.  He knew WHY He was suffering.  He was not short sighted.  He was thinking of you and me.  And, He knew His mission.  The mission didn't end on the cross.  It ended with an empty tomb.  He paid that price.......his emotional and physical pain........because he knew the empty grave would give us back to Him.  The devil had plotted to take us from Him and won.  But, just for a little while.  The empty tomb was the ticket for us back to Him
My fast was a "Repent.  The Day of Jesus is coming" kind of fast.  Week two, was the beginning of it.  To the end, it was rough.  I was lonely.  Depressed some days seeing the truth of seeing what my heart really held inside.  Truths that many of my hurts were still bured deep within me.  I'd been healed to a point, and because I have the ability to help others find healing through knowing Christ, I must have felt that my own level of healing was enough. 

I felt stripped and exposed before Almighty God, but thankful that I could get that close to Him.  Close enough for Him to say, "Karen, here's something.  Look at this.  I want to take you further, but we need to clean this up first.  Look at it.  Allow me to sweep it away,"  I did.  It wasn't fun, but it was cleansing.  I'm clean now inside and so now I am filling myself back up with Him instead of Karen.

I had to admit that I like  to have a certain persona.  One that wants her nails to look just right, her skin to be flawless and her hair beautiful.  Who loves  to put on a good suit and pumps and look elegant, lovely and professional.  But, a persona or image is not who we really are.  It's what we think we should be to "fit" the pat of the Christian woman we feel we should be.  When I  fall short of that image, I sometimes  feels I have failed God, myself  and  ny family. 

God showed me I am sometimes the little girl that is still so impatient that she can't sleep all Christmas Eve night in anticipation of the next morning, so much so that she is nauseous and nervous the whole time.  I am the girl that dated the guy she wasn't crazy about because the one she loved had hurt her and she wasn't willing to wait for the one she really wanted.  Nor did I think I was worthy of getting what I really wanted. The image didn't like my  house with Cheerios on the floor or cups and plates strewn everywhere from the teen age entertainment fest the night before and thinks what a failure she is as a homemaker and woman because if she was worthy of anything, she'd have a perfect house.   Beth Moore probably doesn't wake up with a kitchen hurricane! And when I  could not  rid herself of the craving for sugar night and day, I thought God must be disappointed in me as I fail another time with Coke in hand and my goal weight off somewhere in the distance.

I grew up thinking God was looking down on ,e to look down on me. The "disapproving, never good enough, sorry I am left with you" Father God making sure I didn't get what I prayed  for because I just don't deserve it.  If I was thinner or prettier or more successful, THEN God would be smiling at me and saying "Ahhhh, that's my girl!"  And when I did succeeed......winning a rock radio station's "Little Miss Radio Who" beauty contest, or making MVP on the softball team, always being national honor society or making a tennis team.......I always thought it was just a fluke and even then, I was still not as good as others.

My view of what God thought  of me has been warped by what feel others felt about me.  I learned He's not against me or ready to punish.  He's waiting to bless me, hold me, praise me, and save me. He's not judging me, waiting for me to slip up.  He's there to hold me ad looking forward to it.

I thought that Karen was gone from me.  I thought I had sent her packing many years ago. When this fast showed me she was still in the guest room, I was surprised.  I wrote a book several years back called A Treasured Woman, and in it, told of my journey from worthlessness to being treasured by the Lord.  God wanted me to see that I had let myself fall back into some of that stinkin' thinkin' and it was time to get rid of all of it.

It wasn't a pretty sight as it has exited.  Ask my husband, Ross.  He will tell you.  I'm sharing this so transparent;y here because  I know many of you have felt them too.  I hear it from so many women.  I am all of you.  One thing that was evidenced in this fast is I know where to go for my Christ and His Word.  Coaching, counseling, therapy, a friends's shoulder (which comes with the added bonus of a good hug hopefully).........all places that God's Word and instruction can find the support needed to help you fulfill His will for you life.  None of us are islands unto ourselves.  We need each other. 

My fast has helped me see myself, know the One who will change me, and see my value in the midst of my own struggles and flaws.  I do believe there is power over the devil through fasting as well.  That will be the topic of the next blog.

Love to each of you,

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Four More Days of Fasting.......Oppps! I coulda had a Master Cleanse Fast!

That's right.  A Master Cleanse fast.  How appropriate would that have been for my 40 days?  I just now leaarned about the Master Cleanse fast and am on my first day of it as I close down this particular fast.  It's a real detoxifyer.

This fast would have gone alot smoother for me had I known about this, but I prayed to the Lord as I was struggling with this fast.  I believe He allowed me to know about this to help me down the road and to end my fast on a great note.

Here's the Master Fast - No food.  A lemonade type drink using Grade B Organix Maple Syrup (you can substitute organic Agave Nectar if you like - I think it tastes better and is lower glycemic which is great for diabetics.......also less expensive too,) lemons, and cayenne pepper. 

Here's the recipe:
2 Quarts Filtered Water
1 Cup Grade B Organic Maple Syrup or Agave Nectar
1 Cup of Fresh Lemon Juice (usually 5 large lemons) 
-  Put the water in a pitcher for the fridge.
-  Squeeze the lemon juice and pour in water.
- Measure 1 cup of sweetner and mix in.
- Pinch of organic cayenne pepper (if you don't have organic, its fine)
- Stir really well and keep cold. 
This is your days allotment.  Make sure you drink it all each day, making a new batch each day.

Pretty simple, but very effective.  The lemon is a real boost for cleansing your liver.  The cayenne pepper helps with your metabolism.  The Grade B maple syrup gives you the nutrition you need.  We aren't talking Aunt Jemina syrup here, Ladies.  Don't use that.  Google Master Cleanse and you will see so many great sites.  I am using a pre-prepared formula, but I imagine the freshly made is much better!

This is the only thing you eat or drink during your fasting time.  You are to also use a herbal tea laxative or the sea salt water flush.  I'm going to start with the salt water flush and see if I can tolerate it today.  If not, then I will go the tea route.  You need to remove the toxin waste from your body that the cleanser will bring and so this part of the plan is vital.

Sea Salt Flush Recipe:
- 2 teaspoons Organic non-iodized Sea Salt
-  Large Glass of water, Can be warm.... (up to 16 oz, less is better if you can stand it)
- Mix and drink at one sitting
-  Expect "results" in about 30 min. to an hour.  Make sure you have another hour at home or
   somewhere a restroom is available for the next hour. (Truly important. You will see why. :-)

People report not only weight loss, but softer skin, clearer thinking, power over cravings and an over all boost to health.   This is a wonderful way to kick  start a healthier nutrition plan. 

I have a problem with sugar cravings.  I've gotten off all sugar at one point, but I could never seem to stay off of it.  One little indulgence of temptation would always put me back in sugar chains.  The other night as I prayed, no more specifically, cried out to God for help with this sugar addiction in my life, He led me to this detox plan.  I'm pretty well detoxed right now except for I still have incredible cravings for sugar and not only visions of sugar plums are "dancing in my head", but chocolate mousse cake, creme brulee, Krispy Kreme bread pudding (Paula Dean recipe, THE BEST!), rice krispy treats, cherry cobbler, ice cream......oh my goodness......that is what has been calling my name like a siren on a far way shore to a lonely sailor.  But, I do think this will help me today.

I'll let you know how it goes. 

Thanks for being with me on this journey.  It's been glorious and it's been horrible.  It has produced result in regards to my prayers and it has changed my heart.  God dug out alot of hurt and pain deep in my heart I thought was already healed. It wasn't, but I am better now and working on it.

Most importantly, I can now help others through this journey.  I will support anyone that prays and feels God is calling them to a prolonged fast.  Just write me at and let me know.  I am praying for you all as we get ready for Thanksgiving week.  Are your menus planned?

Love to you all in Christ,

What awaits me in heaven! :-)
It is paradise, isn't it? Then
cupcakes will be there, Girls!

Monday, November 16, 2009

FASTING: Day 31 - Appearances

Left, is a photo of the Mormon temple in Orlando, Florida.  I remember the first time I saw it.  It was evening. and all along the roof top edges, light was shining up high into the sky, illuminating the steeple.  I didn't know at the time it was a temple and thought it was a Jewish synagogue instead.  Until seven years ago, I really thought the Mormons were born again Christians.  I now know that isn't true, but at the time, the beauty of this building touched my heart and I came back later in the week as the sun set to take photos of it. If you have any questions about Mormonism, I'd like to refer you to my friend Shelly Grimm's web site at .  I love the Mormon people, as they are some of the finest people I have ever met.  But, they do not believe in the same Jesus we do, though they will say they do.

This temple reminds me of Isaiah 58, where the Pharisees are complaining to God because they have fasted and He is not answering their prayers.  He tells them that He is not pleased by their fast.  Though they look very religious, pure and holy, in fact they are not.  For as they are fasting for God to hear their cries, they are living in sin by treating others with disdain, deceit, unloving and doing wrong.  God says "Is this the fast I have called you to?"  He says that sarcastically.  Yes, I do think He spoke this way in His Word.  Maybe He really said "Give me a break, you evil guys!  Don't play games with me.  I know you are trying to look holy, but your hearts harbor greed, evil and hate.  You don't care about anything but looking good in front of others. Now, listen to what a REAL fast is about and what it will do.  Then you will know WHY I don't hear you!" 

I've had some negative responses to my fasting blog.  One person emailed to say that if I really wanted to please God, I would have done my fast in secret and not made a big deal of it.  She wasn't unkind about it and I think she really felt that way. I know there are verses that say when you fast, don't complain and look sad because you can't eat so others will feel sorry for you or think how holy you are.  I understand that.  I wanted to answer her here just in case others felt the same way.

I didn't want to talk about my fast to be honest.  I wasn't sure I was going to do one this long in the beginning.  I just knew that God had been tugging at my heart for a month to think about doing a much longer fast.  I kept praying and He kept talking to my heart about it.  As I stated in the beginning, it would have been alot easier for me to fast without telling anyone. In my opinion, anyway.  But, as I took that to God, I know He moved me to seek prayer support for my fast and that He wanted my fast to encourage others to do so as well.  Trust me, though I have been doing shorter fasts for over 30 years, I did not look forward to this 40 Day fast.......more specifically, I didn't look forward to failing at it. 

I believe I followed God when I started blogging my journey here.  I didn't do so in an attempt to say "Hey look how Godly Karen is......she's fasting 40!"  No, I wanted to encourage others to join me, pray for me and cover my family in the blood of Christ as I did this because I knew the enemy would attack as God brought answers and deliverance.  And he has.  My daughter was in a hit and run accident in the second week.  She was fine and I believe the fasting is what spared her.  My son is making progress in his own journey of struggles and I see God doing a mighty work in Him though he has encountered new harrassments from the enemy.  One special young friend went through crisis and I am seeing God meet her need.  I believe there was power in praying for her because fasting breaks yokes the enemy puts on believers.  Another best female friend feels certain her career position is turning around and has had good news. This was something I was fasting for.  So many specific things have taken place that I have prayed for, while at the same time, some terrible blows and crisis have occured too.

Besides seeing very evident answers to things, God has done so much in me.  That is what I see was His real purpose.  I have failed in some ways in this fast, as a couple of times I had to eat something small but solid.  I felt so bad the other night I was concerned, so I made a few eggs.  It made me very sick.  I felt defeated over that until I prayed.  The Lord reminded me this fast is not about MY strength, MY success, or MY ability.  It's about depending on HIM.  I'm learning I can get back up and stand before Him, knowing He is not judging me. 

I've faced the old demon of rejection in my life.  I'm not through that one yet, but I'm making progress.  I've missed my husband during this month so much and have watched the enemy try to use that to divide us, but God has come in and brought peace and patience.  He's once more taught me that my worth is not in what I look like, the abilities I have, the possessions I own, or even in my it large or small.........though those things may make me more effective, successful, or productive, they have nothing to do with my value.  My value to God is just in BEING ME.......yours is in being YOU.  And truthfully, what He looks for is obedient hearts.  Not talented ones.  Intelligent ones.  Beautiful ones.  Just obedient ones.  This is what He is looking for from all of us.

I know I am rambling.  I'm sorry.  He has given me some powerful messages during this fast. I'm in the process of writing them now. Tonight, I just wanted to remind myself and you, that whether we fast or don't fast......succeed or fail.....look great or look not so great......He couldn't love us more than He does now.  Yes, we may do things for Him and build His Kingdom, but we can't DO anything more for Him to love us more.  He just does................And because He loves us, we can love each other.  The world hated Him.  They will hate us too.  Don't be afraid.  He is with us and He has left us The Comforter.......the power of the Holy Spirit.....we are more than equipped.

Loving in Him,

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Music to worship out Lord to.......

Praying this afternoon and thanking God for His power, love, might and deliverance.

Sending You Love,

My daughter, Tori, loves the Celtic Women.
If anyone knows their 2010 Tour Schedule,
I'd sure like to have it!  God knew what He was
doing when He created our sister Eve, Ladies!

FASTING: Day 29 - We all need a loving nudge sometimes......

Have you ever seen the amazing videos, books and inspirational tools at Simple Truths (  I go there often to see what they have newly available.

The above link is one of my favorites.  A mother eagle helping her young eagle child leave the nest high above the treetops so that he might learn to soar with confidence.  She loves him enough to nudge him out of the nest.  She knows he will love soaring on the currents of the wind.  He was born to do so.  The wind will fill his wings and she knows the surge of power and joy her young eagle will experience once he gets over the fear of the first leap from the nest.

Aren't we just like that with God?  We love our comfortable nest in His care and just want to stay there nice and cozy under the "shadow of His wing".  But, He knows we have glorious skies yet to soar and that if we stay under His wing, we will not know that joy.  There will be rain, storms and  powerful winds to deal with.  But, He has equipped us with wings that will repel that rain. We have a nest that we can come back to when the storm gets too dangerous to fly in.  And, those powerful winds, will be what propels us to soar even higher.  They won't break us.  We are designed to make good use of them as we use self control in the middle of it all.

This fast is a "nudge out of the nest" for me.  I wasn't comfortable with it because I didn't want to fail.  Not fail God, my family, my friends, or myself.  I've enjoyed the soaring.  The rains have come, but I am dried off now.  The winds have been high and seem to be going higher, but that just means I can see from greater heights.  And my nest......well, although in the natural, it is looking pretty empty, Jesus has kept it for me to come back to......a place of safety, love and rest.  It's not a place to hide, not from Him and not myself.  But, to take shelter instead.

I have 11 more days of this 40 Day Fast.  I'm a bit worn out, to be honest.  But, I know there is more to learn.  Right up to the last day.  Some days I feel alone.  Other days, I feel totally encircled in love.  But, one thing I have found, there is never a day that I don't feel the Lord around me in a deeper way.  His Presence is here when I feel up and when I feel down.  Many breakthroughs have already taken place as a result of Him honoring my fast and I am so grateful for that.  Many problems arose during my fast that I could have never anticipated, but required spiritual strength and application.  I was ready because of my fast. 

Fasting empowers you to minister to others and bring deliverance in the Name of Christ.  It puts you under God's X-Ray so you can see what is underneath your surface personality, going right to you spirit and heart.  It's greatest gift is a deeper, renewed intimacy with the Lord that will urge you to make fasting a regular part of your life in Jesus because you never want to lose that sense of closeness with Him.  It's a Win-Win situation, Sweet Friends.

Today, I am wrung out, but I feel the encouragement of God slowly coming over me this morning.  There is much to do today and even though my heart feels a bit sad this morning, I feel a slight breeze in my backyard.  It seems to be building slowly today.  I have a feeling it's going to be getting stronger.  Strong enough to carry this Lady Eagle to a lovely soaring experience before the day is out. 

I've been nudged from the nest.  Will you join me?

In His Love,

Soaring Eagles Get the Best View.......

Saturday, November 7, 2009

FASTING: DAY 22 - My Empty Nest

For the past few years, I found myself in discussions with other parents of young adult children on the verge of flying the coup.  As the topic turned to the dreaded empty nest years, most of my friends bemoan it's arrival and say they know it is going to be a difficult time for them. 

I didn't seem to share that opinion.  Not because I don't adore my children.  I do. They are my babies and always will be.   But, in raising my children, I didn't have  extended family support (my parents were both with the Lord)  and therefore, the "grandparent weekends" alot of my friends talked about enjoying with their husbands, I had never known.  I think it took it's toll on me over the years, so I would always say that I think I wouldn't have much of an adjustment to the empty nest at all.That's what I thought at least.  But, for the past month or so that I've been rising, working, eating (well not lately of course), and sleeping in this big house by myself, I'm finding the empty nest isn't so comforting. 

I'm what you might call an extroverted introvert.  I love people, so socializing energizes me.  I like taking time to get to know who you are and what you dream of doing with your life.  After all, I may want to help you do it!  But, after being with people for a certain length of time, I'm ready for some solace and time to pray.  I will listen to some music, drink truffle latte's or tea,  and hibernate for a little while.  Not for long, but long enough to catch my breath, fill up my tanks and be ready to go again. 

But, there's no one here now to carry me into exhausted rest and drive me to retreat.  I'm in  retreat mode 24/7.  Two kids in college, one living in an apartment way across town and working, two boys in PA with Ross.  My husband lives and works in Pittsburgh, PA, as he waits for me to sell our house here and move.  So, my long awaited  "quiet time" without kids or male type people to cook and clean for (that would be sons and a husband) has arrived.  ( I will miss my "girls only" household dress code.)  With it has come a  slow creeping loneliness that I have not experienced since I was young.   I can say after having my heart and house filled with the joys of being a wife and mother, it's not the same kind of loneliness though.  I started listening to Christmas music in September this year.  Enough said.

I now have greater empathy for my friends who's children have left home.  I used to envy the freedom and clean homes they enjoyed.  They could go to the movies or dinner any time.  I still had some sweet young life waiting at home starving for Mom to cook.  Now, I understand their hearts more.  I have seen a look in their faces that depicts the way I feel right now.  Not sadness, but loss.  Life isn't over, but life is altered.  An anticipated loss, but a loss still.  It requires a life transition that takes time.  We have to give ourselves that time as we process it mentally, spiritually and emotionally.  Mostly, emotionally I think.  It's not grief really, as we know those kids will come back to visit.  And with the present trend of older children (often with their own children) coming to live back at home, they might even be coming back for more than a visit. 

I think the loss is situational and will fade in time.  But, I do think it's important to be active in your transitioning from one season of life to another.  Just as the Word says when we remove a  dark presence from of our life (not that children are darkness in our lives, goodness NO! Well. hopefully no, anyway), we must sweep it clean, and then fill it back up with the Spirit of God.  When you have experienced any loss, it's wise to replace that vacant space in your life and heart with something healthy and rewarding. 

I realized tonight that even though I am waiting to step into a different life in Pittsburgh with Ross, I need to "fill my house" with what and WHO the Holy Spirit is leading me to because there is a void right now.  I'm just starting to see how He has done that for me. If we are the Lord's child and walking with Him, every part of our life has a purpose.  His purpose for me during this time was my call to fast and the lessons I needed to learn from it.  It's no where near over yet. 

I miss my kids.  I miss my husband.  But, I am  spending time with special friends before I leave and that is a gift that I will carry with me as I move to Pittsburgh.  Drinking in every precious moment with the Lord I have right now is changing me.  Odds are this time will never come again for me.  At least, I can't imagine being away from my Sweetheart this long for any reason in the future.  I hope not.  But, this time is not lost.  It's been rich in spiritual knowledge and intimacy.  I am thankful for that.  God chose it for me because He knows I will need these lessons to walk in His calling for my life in the future. Is He allowing you to wait on Him as He prepares you for something in the future?

I find it so interesting that God "arranged" this empty nest time for me as He called me to this 40 Day Fast.  On one hand, it doesn't require me to cook much.  That helps.  And, it gives me time and space to seek Him, pray in intercession and to be able to sit still to listen in my heart to what He is saying. Waiting.  That hasn't been my forte until the past two years.  Along with blessing me with an amazing husband, God used this special man to teach me patience.  I've never been known for it before.  I always had an underlying sense of not making things on time or not being able to wait for God to move.  Like I am holding my breath all the time.  (Don't go psychologist on me here, Girls) I am finding out that I need His strength and closeness right now as I face these lonely days and nights.  I have learned paitence and can wait on Him.  He is here.  Right on time.

Have you experienced an empty nest?  Did it leave you feeling lost or did you let God "fill your house"?  If you found God waiting in the empty rooms, share that when you see a woman with that  look  of loss on her face.  She needs you.  Hug her.  Have coffee.  Cook dinner together.  Watch a movie.  Go for a walk.  Pray together.  Replace loss with relationship and let God make it one of the best seasons of your life because you shared it with a sister.  I'm sharing it with mine right now. 

Love My Sisters in Christ,

PRAYER REQUEST:  I wrote about my friend, Nancy, a few days ago.  There is a picture of Nan and I cooking Thanksgiving dinner.  Tuesday, Nancy's elderly parents were hit in their car by a city bus in their hometown in Michigan.  Nancy's 87 year old Mom was killed and her Dad is in the hospital with neck and back injuries and now in a halo brace.  Please lift up Nancy and her family tonight and ask God to give them strength, comfort, peace and rest.  Thank you so much, Sweet Ones!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

FASTING: Day 20- Turn Up The Heat in Your Spirit with Fasting!

Thank you to Jim Duffy, CEO & President of Refining Fire Chiles of San Diego, California, for the photo of the beautiful hot chiles he raises and markets.  Jim is "turning up the heat" by sharing the gospel through his business and the youth ministry he supports with it.  Go to and read his powerful story.  Blessings to you, Jim!

Country steak with gravy.  Garlic, mashed red potatoes.  Middle Eastern green beans over herbed rice.  Chocolate chip cookies.

No, this isn't fasting delirium kicking in.  It's what is sitting on my stove right now - hot, delicious and waiting to be enjoyed by my daughter, Ashton, who is on her way here after work to eat one of her favorite "Momma Meals". 

 A surprising thing happened as I cooked  for my precious girl.  After 20 days of not eating solid food (except for my one day of Daniel fasting when I had soup and celery and my Sam's Club near fainting ingestion of two strawberries and 8 pecans), I wasn't  tempted to set another plate and sit myself down to dine.  No one was more shocked than me. How can it be that a G.R.I.T.S. (Girl Raised in the South) chick like me would pass up her Momma's country steak recipe after not having real food for 20 days? I mean, not one bite, friends.  It sure smells good, and at this point of cooking, I would have at least had a bite of something just to make sure I had seasoned it right.  (You all do this when you cook, now, and you know it! ) But, somehow as I made this meal, it became an offering of love.  Not just for my daughter, but for my Jesus.

I had prayed that this fast would help me arrive at a new place of self-control in my life.  A place where nothing, not even a basic need to eat, would dominate my desire to please my Savior.  That day came today.  It was staring me in the face on my kitchen stove.  My own Mom's Signature Southern fried steak!  I wanted it, but I wanted to please the Lord more.  Eureka!  It was a new experience for me.  But, it isn't just an experience.  It is empowerment to allow the Holy Spirit to come and do His work in my life and the lives of those I am interceding for. 

Satan hammered away at me yesterday.  Down to my core.  Bringing up old issues.  Telling me to stop writing.  I don't have to be a gifted writer to share my testimony.  I am a sinner saved by grace with a story of redemption to tell in the best way I can.  I'm not worried about being a great writer.  Yes, I want to bring praise and excellence to anything I do for Jesus and I pray for ability as I write about my love for him.  But, I don't write to be known for my ability. He knows why I write.  I want to expose everyone to His awesome love and power.  Writing is one way I can do that.  Someone told me along time ago, that spoken words are beneficial for the moment, but the written word is forever there to minister to generations.  I like that.

I want hurting women to know that HE LOVES THEM and that their value has to be found only in Him and not what someone else thinks of you!  It doesn't matter where they are in their life.  Single Moms feeling lost and lonely with PB&J smeared faces looking up sweetly knowing Mommy will make the moon rise.  Widows looking at a desk full of bills and statements piling up that they have never had to deal with, while they grieve the loss of their Beloved.  Young women dealing with past issues of abuse wondering if they will ever be able to trust any man enough to become a wife.  Older women who feel the ache of disappointment and lost dreams.  Successful, professional women who have invested their lives in a career, who long for their arms to be filled with a warm, cooing bundle of baby love, thinking they have lost their chance for marriage, family and homemaking.

We all hurt.  But, in different ways.  Speak from where you are into the lives of others and see the healing it brings.  Nothing is more comforting than the supportive love of someone who has been through the same thing as you and has come through it successfully.  It brings hope.  Simply, just share the love you have found in Christ with others and let Him bring the harvest in their heart.  Our job is to sow the seed.  The Holy Spirit will give it root and fruit.  And someone else may harvest it.

If you have a testimony to the healing, redemptive power  in the Gospel of Jesus Christ,  do as Rev. 12:11 (yes, my life verse) says and "overcome evil by the blood of the Lamb and THE WORD OF OUR TESTIMONIES".  However you are capapble of doing word, song, writing, serving, loving, leading, teaching, comforting, edifying.....whatever God leads you to do.....just do.

In being "doers" of the Word, we will turn up the heat (Big Habanero Style) on the enemy of God by bringing restoration to the object of the Savior's delight, US!  "US" being all men and women, saved and unsaved.  Fasting puts pressure on Satan.  He will do whatever he can to keep you from walking in this discipline because he knows it means defeat for him.  The heat of fasting does two things: (1) It allows buried sins to come to the surface, where God can help us see them, repent  and bring us restoration (like purified silver); and (2) It breaks strongholds, bondage, and demonic attack off of us and the lives of those we pray for.

I am asking you to consider fasting as a part of your walk with Christ on a regular basis.  Remember Ezra and Nehemiah of the Old Testament?  Both men of God who fasted for the repentence and return of their people to God.  God honored them both. He also met all their requests for provision and visions.  They are just God's people like us.  They were just born earlier.  Am I talking to an Ezra or a Nehemiah here today?  Who is willing to stand in the gap for others?

Love in Christ,